To invoke Cougar services using curl
you need a very good understanding of how RESCRIPT works, and your efforts
may take considerable time and effort. If time and effort are factors, avoid using this method, even for testing.
Use the Cougar Client (Java only - for now) instead.
However, if you are for some reason dead set on writing your own Cougar RESCRIPT client, using curl
is a useful
way to get familiar with what kind of requests and responses
you’ll need to be catering for.
The example below gives you a quick idea of what curl
invocations will look like. We’re invoking a operation using
POST, supplying JSON and wanting XML back. We’ve also enabled
curl -v --header "Accept: application/xml" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-Trace-Me:true" --data-binary "{\"message\":{\"bodyParam\":\"bodyParamValue\"}}" http://localhost:9001/myservice/v1.0/myoperation?queryParam=queryValue
Now the best thing to do is to read about RESCRIPT,
then check out the Cougar ‘baseline service’ (a service that is maintained solely for the purpose of enumerating all possible
types of functionality afforded by Cougar) and play with its interface methods using curl
, for which
very good documentation exists.