Threading, Sync, Async and Timeouts
Over time, as Cougar has grown up, the threading model has been adjusted and tweaked, new transports (both client and
server) have been developed, and everything has become rather complex. This page attempts to explain away some of this
complexity and enable Cougar users to make informed decisions on how to configure/develop their applications.
Async core
One thing to remember as you read all this and wonder about the complexities: Cougar is asynchronous at it’s core
We provide synchronous constructs to hide the complex nature of asynchronous implementation, but it does affect how things
work, and to truly understand Cougar and how your app will work within it you need to be aware of this.
Abbreviations used
EV - Execution venue
Server concerns
Server interface / implementation style
EV thread:
- Performs identity resolution (and tokenises for response)
- Invokes pre-interceptor
- Invokes service method
Any thread may call the onXXX methods on the observer, allowing the EV thread to be freed during calls that suffer from
wait on external resources (DB, remote call etc), which then:
- Invokes the post-interceptor
- Serialises the response
- Hands off to the transport
- Is actually an async call (due to Cougar’s core nature), adapted onto a sync interface:
- Service method is called on an EV thread
- Any blocking call out continues to consume the EV thread
- Callback as a result of the method return is made on the same EV thread
Server transports
Jetty transport (for HTTP based protocols)
- Acceptor thread is used to open the connection and setup various fluff around that
- Selector threads actually read bytes from the wire
- Remaining threads do the following:
- Deserialise request
- Validation
- Identity token resolution
- Hand off to EV
The jetty threads also flush the data back after handoff from the EV after the service has returned
Socket transport
- Acceptor thread is used to open the connection and setup various fluff around that
- Selector threads actually read bytes from the wire
- Remaining threads do the following:
- Deserialise request
- Validation
- Identity token resolution
- Hand off to EV
The MINA threads also write the serialised response to the wire after the service has returned
Client concerns
Generated client implementations
- Makes the EV execution on the callers thread.
- If the client transport doesn’t use the callers thread to write back to the observer then the optional timeout has
effect from the time the execute method completes (normally after the request has actually been sent).
- The optional timeout has no effect when using a synchronous client transport
- Makes the EV execution on the configured Executor (normally the EV pool).
- Ensures the transport callback to the observer is executed on the configured Executor (normally the EV pool).
Client transports
Does the following on the calling thread:
- Obtain a connection
- Write the request
Does the following on the ?? thread pool:
- Deserialise the response
- Call the observer onXXX method
Does everything on the calling thread:
- Obtain a connection
- Write the request
- Blocks awaiting the response
- Deserialise the response
- Call the observer onXXX method
Async HTTP
Does the following on the calling thread:
- Obtain a connection
- Write the request
Does the following on it’s internal thread pool (CoUGAR.socket.transport.client:name=asyncHttpWorkerExecutor
in JMX):
- Deserialise the response
- Call the observer onXXX method
Once we know all of the above, we can make some observations on sensible / unwise combinations..