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cougar from Betfair

Launching from Maven

mvn -P run initialize

Launching from the IDE

Create a debug profile in your IDE with the following characteristics:

Main class There will be a class called Launcher in the launcher project that the Cougar archetype generated, or you can use com.betfair.cougar.core.impl.Main, or you can use one of your own devising
VM parameters -
Program parameters -
Project/module your launcher project

Special instructions for Eclipse

There is a bug in Eclipse Maven plugin that needs to be fixed by adding following code to your top level pom (by default Eclipse plugin doesn’t add AspectJ artefacts):


Now run mvn eclipse:eclipse from the top level project, then import as existing project into Eclipse. If you get annoying errors saying ‘The project cannot be built until the build path errors are resolved’, follow these instructions to resolve.

Custom Launchers

You are free to wrap com.betfair.cougar.core.impl.Main with your own class, if needed.