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cougar from Betfair

Debugging in Cougar

Launching the Application from the IDE

Create a debug profile in your IDE with the following characteristics:

Main class Your Launcher classs, which is in the launcher project if you used the archetype
VM parameters -
Program parameters -
Project/module <yourService>-launcher

Of course you may choose to use a non-launcher project, or create a wrapper around com.betfair.cougar.core.impl.Main if that suits you.

Launching the Application from Maven

The launcher project was created for you by the Cougar Maven archetype.

Open up a shell window and type mvnDebug -P run initialize in the launcher project.

Maven will start a JVM but wait for you to attach a debugger on port 8000 before continuing.

Trace logging of Requests

You might also want to trace your requests.


Cougar logs the effective properties on the JMX Console. It can be accessed via operation listProperties on MBean ApplicationProperties https://localhost:9999/ViewObjectRes//CoUGAR%3Aname%3DApplicationProperties

The HTTP endpoints exposed by via Cougar is exposed on MBean EndPoints under operation listEndpoints as in https://localhost:9999/ViewObjectRes//CoUGAR%3Aname%3DEndPoints