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cougar from Betfair

Asking for Assistance

The Cougar Mailing List

A ‘self-service’ (you can manage your own subscription) mailing list has been set up on Google Groups.

If you have any questions or comments about Cougar, post to the list by the google interface, or by email to

Searching the Archives

Archives are directly searchable on t’internet.

Looking at the Javadoc

Javadoc for Cougar versions in the SNAPSHOT and release repositories are published in Maven. We’ll look to publish them to our Github site shortly.

Getting the Source Code

The trunk is found at The documentation source is at

Reporting Bugs and Requesting new Features

Please contact the mailing the list with your finding, suggestions and requirements (along with relevant materials such as logs, links etc).

Submitting Patches

Please submit a pull request on GitHub.

Requesting a Release

Please contact the mailing list.