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Betfair Service IDL


The Betfair Service Interface Definition Language (Betfair Service IDL or BSIDL for short) is an XML-based DSL (domain specific language) for describing versioned service interfaces. The DSL uses a combination of ideas taken from Thrift with additional support for events and information on users of interfaces.

The format allows us to fully describe the methods, request/response parameters, exceptions as well as events and all documentation associated with these entities. The format is already used throughout Betfair to describe APIs and services interfaces and standardisation of this gives us the benefit of consistent documentation (generated from the XML) as well as the ease of modification of wire formats and potential generation of serialisation/deserialisation code.



The base types supported by the IDL are as follows:

Note that generics are specified with ‘()’ rather than ‘<>’ as chevrons break the xml and are a pain to delimit.


h5. Preamble

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<interface name="Test" owner="Joe Bloggs" version="0.1" date="01/01/1970">
		<author name="Joe Bloggs" email=""/>
	<description>This is here to provide an example of all features in order for tests to be made</description>

This is essentially the header of the IDL containing information about the service. Below each significant XPath is explained

XPath Description
/interface/@name The name of the service, this should match exactly with the file name without file extension (e.g. filename: FooBar.xml corresponds to name: FooBar)
/interface/@owner The person who should be contacted with any queries regarding this service interface, in many cases one of the authors but this isn't necessary
/interface/@version The version of the interface - please see [versioning](Interface_Versioning.html)
/interface/@date The date that the interface version was frozen - in development service interface can use the now() function that will insert the current date time - the date should be formatted as an [[ISO 8601 date|]] in UTC
/interface/authors A list of people who have made alterations to the service. Sub-element author should include their name and email address
/interface/description A description of the interface in English

h5. Operations

<operation name="someMethod" since="0.1.0">
	<description>Retrieves an account</description>
			<parameter name="mandatoryNumber" type="i64" mandatory="true">
		<simpleResponse type="i64">
			<description>Some Number</description>
		<product name="SoftGames"/>
XPath Description
operation/@name The name of the operation
operation/@since The version of the interface the operation was added in
operation/description A description of the purpose of this operation and how it should be used
operation/parameters Container for request/response sections
operation/parameters/request Container for the request parameters
operation/parameters/request/parameter/description A description of the parameter
operation/parameters/request/parameter/@mandatory Where the field is required or not (default false)
operation/parameters/response The return type for the operation if there is only one returned value
operation/parameters/consumers The known systems that use this operation

h5. Parameters

Parameters are an instantiation of a base type with a name, a nullability constraint, and a description. They can also have valid values assigned to them.

h6. Valid Values

Valid Values elements indicate the total set of available values which can be used for the named parameter, and which should ultimately be validated in the interface implementation. An example is shown below

<parameter name="type" type="string">
	<description>The type of balance</description>
		<value name="AVAILABLE_TO_BET">
			<description>The amount of the balance the user can Bet with</description>
		<value name="AVAILABLE_TO_WITHDRAW">
			<description>The amount of the Balance that the user can Withdraw to a payment method</description>

So this is a string parameter called ‘type’ which can have the value AVAILABLE_TO_BET or AVAILABLE_TO_WITHDRAW

h5. Simple types

These act as aliases for the base types supported by the IDL.

<simpleType name="someType" type="i64"/>

h5. Data Types

<dataType name="Example">
	<description>This data type represents an example for a howto</description>
	<parameter name="account" type="Account">
		<description>The account being referenced in this Example</description>
	<parameter name="master" type="bool">
		<description>If the account is a master account</description>

h5. Events

<event name="SomeChange" since="1.1.0">
	<description>Event indicating that a change has been made</description>
	<parameter type="i64" name="accountId" mandatory="true">
		<description>The Account ID to which the change has been made. Must be between 10^12 and -10^12</description>
	<parameter type="i64" name="newAccountId" mandatory="false">
		<description>The new value for this account</description>

h5. Exceptions

<exceptionType name="SomeException">
	<description>This exception is thrown when Something bad happens</description>
	<parameter name="errorCode" type="string">
		<description>An error code</description>
	<parameter name="message" type="string">
		<description>This is a message describes the reason for the exception in English and is for debug/logging purposes
		only and shouldn't be returned to users. There is also no need to localize this string.</description>

h5. Enumerations

BSIDL deliberately does not support enumerations as they make interfaces unnecessarily brittle on the possible values of that enumerations, adding, removing or changing a value requires a re-release of the interface. Contraints on the values of a particular parameter should be enforced in the code and noted in the documentation.

h5. Validation rules

More info required (regexps + size restrictions).


Several elements within the IDL support extension markup which is specific to each modeled protocol. Extension elements take the format of:

	<!-- Some Protocol name which supports extensions, which maps to the type generator name
             such as bfmq-java, or rest -->