22 January 2014

Historical note: This post written under the previous blog name ‘Diary of a Distributed Virgin’

New job, new year, new year’s resolution: I’m going to blog more.

I really didn’t like the look of my blog hosted on blogspot, and with most of my online time spent on GitHub, I’ve decided to move the blog to hosting with GitHub pages. It let’s me choose the styling, let’s me write in Markdown, which I’ve really come to like, and consolidates where I spend my time.

So, new look, new hosting, new… name?

Yes, well, I don’t really consider myself much of a “Distributed Virgin” anymore and my interests are much wider ranging now (more on that in a seperate post), so I suspect I’ll end up changing the name. The old posts will need some tweaking in order to make the context in which they were written clear, but that’s easy now.

My target for this year: 12 posts. That’s just 1 a month. Surely that’s achievable?

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